Smart sales

tel: 498-8937


WiFi & Solar Cameras


Pre-Order Process

1. Initial Downpayment of $4000 is required to begin the pre order.
(Cash, mobile app or bank transfer only!)
2. Once the Downpayment is made, an agreement is signed whereby you state how much you will be paying per week/month until the phone is paid off for.
3. Order is placed for the respective iPhone and it usually takes 1 week to arrive.
This may vary by 1 week due to issues such as bad weather and clearance which we have no control over.
4. Once received by us, it will be held until the final payment is made and then handed over to the customer.
5. ENJOY YOUR NEW IPHONE with your business, enjoy the adventure.

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Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.